Skin microbiome and dermatologic disorders.
The emerging fungal pathogen Candida auris induces IFNγ to colonize mammalian hair follicles.
Epidermal Penetration Increases with Age and May Contribute to Systemic Inflammation.
Preclinical Atopic Dermatitis Skin in Infants: An Emerging Research Area.
Commensal myeloid crosstalk in neonatal skin regulates long-term cutaneous type 17 inflammation.
LB1714 Increased epidermal penetration in aged skin modulates systemic inflammation.
FLG Deficiency in Mice Alters the Early-Life CD4+ T-Cell Response to Skin Commensal Bacteria.
561 Filaggrin deficiency confers an altered early life T cell response to commensal skin bacteria.
The best offense is a good beta-defensin.
Early life host-microbe interactions in skin.
Skin immunity: dissecting the complex biology of our body's outer barrier.
Intestinal inflammation breaks established immune tolerance to a skin commensal
Baby's skin bacteria: first impressions are long-lasting.
Layilin Anchors Regulatory T Cells in Skin.
Regulatory T cells promote innate inflammation after skin barrier breach via TGF-ß activation.
Hair of the mouse: A skin bacteria "cocktail" gets follicles back on their feet.
MAIT cells are imprinted by the microbiota in early life and promote tissue repair.
Developing Human Skin Contains Lymphocytes Demonstrating a Memory Signature.
012 Dynamics of alpha beta T cell accumulation in human fetal skin.
MAIT cells are imprinted by the microbiota in early life and promote tissue repair.
Antibiotics for Acne-A Pilot Study of Collateral Damage to the Skin Microbiome.
Fighting staph: Not child’s play.
Skin Commensal Antigens: Taking the Road Less Traveled.
The TNFRSF members CD27 and OX40 coordinately limit TH17 differentiation in regulatory T cells.
The Microbiome in Atopic Dermatitis.
Growing good bugs with mom’s milk.
: The new kid in class.
Interferon with antitumor immunity.
S. aureus
induces IL-36 to start the itch.
Successful treatment of mucous membrane pemphigoid with bortezomib.
Skin Dysbiosis Goes "Off-Leish".
Measuring inflammation in IBD with an OSM-ostat.
A vitamin to D-crease sunburn.
When TLRs fail, IgG has your back.
Establishing Tolerance to Commensal Skin Bacteria: Timing Is Everything.
Cutting Edge: Regulatory T Cells Facilitate Cutaneous Wound Healing.
What Lives On Our Skin: Ecology, Genomics and Therapeutic Opportunities Of the Skin Microbiome.
Neurogenic rosacea: a distinct clinical subtype requiring a modified approach to treatment.
Matriptase-deficient mice exhibit ichthyotic skin with a selective shift in skin microbiota.
Maintenance of an acidic stratum corneum prevents emergence of murine atopic dermatitis.
Epidermal barrier dysfunction in non-atopic HIV: evidence for an "inside-to-outside" pathogenesis.
Modeling atopic dermatitis with increasingly complex mouse models.