Molecular Immunology

C4BP-mediated complement evasion in streptococcal infections: How the good guys turn bad.

Molecular Immunology

Antonin Weckel, Michal Magda, Matthias Mörgelin, Jutamas Shaughnessy, Martin Lundqvist, Peter Rice, Lars Björck, Sara Linse, Sanjay Ram, Anna Blom, David Ermert

A new complement evasion strategy: How S. pyogenes exploits IgGs to recruit more C4BP.

Molecular Immunology

David Ermert, A. Weckel, M. Magda, J. Shaughnessy, J. Kaplan, M. Mörgelin, L. Björck, P.A. Rice, S. Ram, A.M. Blom