
New preprint on BioRxiv

June 18, 2020
Check out our new preprint which takes a deep dive into the immune landscape of human fetal skin. We're actively working on revisions - so hopefully look forward to sharing it in a bigger and better peer-reviewed format soon. Till then, enjoy this preview. Comments welcome! Congrats to Miqdad for...

Virtual lab life

April 28, 2020
In the Scharschmidt lab we're doing our part to support social distancing efforts.

John's paper out in Cell Host & Microbe

November 26, 2019
Check out the manuscript online and the accompanying UCSF news feature. Congrats John! Great to see the paper in press. 

Michelle Defends!

May 28, 2019
Michelle did a fantastic job at her thesis defense at SFSU. Plus it was the perfect occasion for an updated group photo.

Cake wars

May 22, 2019
Our spring lab retreat was a rainy one calling for indoor activities - what better way to pass the time than with a cake decorating contest!?

Jeanmarie receives Porter Physiology Fellowship

May 15, 2019
Congrats to Jeanmarie on receipt of a Porter Physiology Development Fellowship from the American Physiolgical Society to support her project focused on elucidating the role of skin barrier physiology in shaping the immune response to skin commensal bacteria!  

From Curiosity to Cure

March 22, 2019
Tiffany was excited to be among the reserach faculty selected to present their research motivations and goals at the 2019 SOM leadership retreat in the form of a short TED-like talk. After the retreat these short talks were filmed for wider distripbution. Check out Tiffany's talk. 

Welcome Antonin and Clemence

February 13, 2019
The lab received a French "infusion" these past two weeks with the arrivals of Antonin Weckel and Clemence Cornuot. Antonin recently finished his PhD under the supervision of Agnès Fouet in the Barriers and Pathogens group at the Cochin Institute. He brings additional microbiological and new...

Tiffany receives NIH New Innovator Award

October 08, 2018
Tiffany was named as a 2018 New Innovator Awardee in the official announcement on Oct 2nd. Check out the news piece describing the project and the other outstanding UCSF awardees (6 in total!) here. We look forward to getting started on this exciting work!   

Congrats to Geil & Jeanmarie

August 16, 2018
Jeanmarie and Geil passed their qualifiying exams with flying colors. The lab celebrated with a cake and (slightly belated) happy hour. Congrats to the first two official PhD candidates of the Scharschmidt lab! 
